I am passionate about the theme of restoration.

Notice how restoration projects have become extremely popular like home reno shows, crafting and healthy living magazines as well as countless self help books. I’m intrigued at how character homes, paintings or cars are restored beyond their former glory through intricate vision and excellent craftsmanship. Whether or not we are creative handymen or artistic visionaries, I believe the restoration phenomena is awakening something profound within our culture. We are destined for transformation.

I believe the restoration phenomena is awakening something profound within our culture.

Things of the world lose its newness. All things eventually break down and need repair, including us.

Everything needs restoring but it requires time, energy and resources and sadly most is discarded. Before long, life’s journey takes its toll on us. We make mistakes and are impacted by our own choices and that of others. Sooner or later we become wounded, or apathetic and face scars of many kinds. Negative life experiences have a way of crushing our spirits, and in some ways seek to destroy any sense of purpose. Many feel discarded and begin to devalue or question their mere existence. This my friends is the result of the fall of mankind. Sin chokes us of our destiny.

It's tough to imagine what the world was like before sin entered the human heart. No pain, broken relationships, vanity, apathy, addictions, rebellion, abuse, materialism, greed, and all forms of sin was non existent. Can you just imagine! The word of God teaches us that the original intent was for mankind to have a close personal relationship with God and for men and women to walk in harmony with God’s presence. Peace, holiness and love would rule each heart as we abided in that sacred place. God loves us so much He gave us freewill. I’ve come to know that true love doesn’t force obedience and relationship. We can choose to accept this love.

In the beginning man chose the wrong path and has faced dire consequences ever since. Sounds discouraging? It can be, but living by faith in God brings hope. The Creator of the universe had a master plan to restore mankind.


Restoration according to the dictionary is defined as : An Act of restoring the condition of being restored; a bringing back to a former position or condition; REINSTATEMENT: The restoration of peace, a restoring to an unimpaired or improved condition: something that is restored; a representation or reconstruction of the original form.

When it comes to the reconstruction of our original purpose and form, what was God’s original intent for us? Then God said, “Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us….So God created human beings  in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." Genesis 1:26-27 NLV

The Imago Dei

We are far from walking in this truth of seeing ourselves and others as image-bearers of God- the Imago Dei. Yet, there will come a day when there will be a restoration of all things. Scripture is clear as to God’s original design and the fall. What did God have in mind when He created the universe, the earth, and all living things? What did God have in mind when He created mankind?

The Biblical Narrative: Creation- The Fall- Redemption- Restoration

As creation awaits the culmination of the ultimate restoration as predicted in the book of Revelation and other prophetic chapters throughout the Bible, we experience a glimmer of the Kingdom of God. As Jesus instructed His followers to pray: “Pray like this: Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy. May your Kingdom come soon. May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. . .” Matthew 6:9-13

I am absolutely convinced that our Creator loves mankind and desires all people to have a relationship with Him. He desires that all will be restored and find holistic restoration personally and find restoration & reconciliation with others where possible. The fall and its effects on humanity are devastating. As I’ve meandered the mountain tops and valley time of my faith journey, through learning from others and combing the pages of scripture, it is evident that there was a restoration plan all along. We are destined to find restoration in our own hearts, in our families and God desires to utilize our restoration stories to impact the world. Will you join me?

Some of you will rebuild the deserted ruins of your cities. Then you will be known as a rebuilder of walls and a restorer of homes.
— Isaiah 58:12